The Global Pet Expo was last month and this was our 3rd year attending. This show just keeps getting bigger. Some of the highlights from the show where the awesome bag pipe band that showed up during St. Patrick’s day, and we got to ride our beach cruisers through the show, but don’t tell on us! It was also great to see a lot of great new toys, furniture, technology and natural pet products that are coming out in the pet market.

We killed it as we launched 4 new products at the show:
- Immuno Boosto - For dogs with occasional allergies, food-related ills, and weakened immune systems. Great for dogs that have frequent antibiotic treatments and vaccinations. Coming in May.
- Good Guts for Lil Mutts - Created exclusively for petite pooches 20 pounds or lighter. With 3 Billion CFUs.
- Good Gutts for Medium Mutts - Developed for middleweight mutt from 21 to 65 pounds. With 6 Billion CFUs.
- Good Guts for Big Mutts - Specially formulated for larger lassies 66 pounds or greater. With 12 Billion CFUs.

With probiotics being not only a leader at the Expo West natural foods tradeshow with over 77,000 attendees and with Global pet Expo having over 6100 buyer attendees it is clear that preventative health is booming, it is at an all time high. Probiotics are here to stay and will be penetrating the companion animal industry even more so for the next decade. Its up to you to jump on that train and for us to help educate you in making Fido happy inside and out. Why because the quality of Fido’s life matters a lot!!!