World Pet Memorial Day is just around the corner. It’s a day dedicated to remembering the pets that have impacted our lives.
In this blog post, we wanted to highlight and share some ideas that might help you to remember your furr-baby. Some of the ideas are a bit unique, while others provide a simple gesture to commemorate their passing.
- Photo Book – There are tons of websites out there that provide services to create a photo album. Upload your favorite pictures of your dog to the site and within a couple of days, you’ll get a beautifully bound, colorful photo book to remember your best buddy. Check out Shutterfly, or visit your local Costco or Walmart; they have the capabilities to create these types of photo book as well. If you use Instagram to take photos of your pooch, try using Chatbox. They make it super easy to use your Instagram photos to create a memorable photo book, and it’s an inexpensive alternative to some of the other options.

- Video – If you’re proactive, you may want to document the time you spend with your dog through video. There is an awesome smartphone app that you can download called – 1 Second a Day. Each day through out your dog’s life over the course of a year, use the app to take 1 second of video. The app will tie all of these videos together and create a beautiful video that you can store on your phone, download to your computer and share with friends and family online.
- Rock My World Jewelry – Jackie Kaufman designs jewelry using your ‘pets prints’, all the pieces are hand crafted using sterling silver and 14kt gold. The artist will send you a simple mold kit to make a copy of your dog’s nose, a paw print or an impression, you send it back to them and within 4-5 weeks they will send back a piece of jewelry. They offer a wide selection of rings, necklaces, cuff links and charms.
- 3D Printing – This is a relatively new idea that is really trending now on the market. PetPrints3D uses a picture of your dog and creates a miniature version of your dog using 3D printer technology. Once you get your model back, it makes a great memento to place on the mantel piece or that special place that you will always see.
- Plant a Tree – A very simple gesture at best, consider planting a tree in honor of your pet. It is a great way to keep the legacy of your dog alive. Now is a great time to go to your local garden center or nursery to find a tree that matches your dog’s personality. When you plant the tree in your backyard, you’ll be reminded of your dog and all of the memories you created together and the joy he/she brought to your family. If getting to a nursery is not feasible, Beau-coup offers ‘Evergreen tree seedlings with personalized tags’ in honor of your pet.
- Hand drawn Portrait – Susan Donley is an talented artist that produces beautiful portraits of your pet. This may be a bit of investment for some, for others it is a beautiful way to memorialize your pet and hang a portrait of them in your home. This artist puts her passion for drawing and her love of animals together and produces hand-drawn images that capture the true essence of your pup.
- Memorial Ceramic – There are a lot of ceramic shops that have been popping up in communities all over the country. Try searching online for a shop near you, call them up and make an appointment to paint/design a ceramic plate, mug, or some other piece to remember your pooch. You may be lucky enough to find a mold that matches your dog, and you can paint it the way you remember them best.
- DIY Plaster Paris – An even simpler option, go to your local craft store and purchase a pre-made Plaster Paris kit to make molds from your dog’s paw prints or nose. Let the molds solidify, and use your own creativity to paint the mold and put your pets name on it. It’s just another item that will stand the test of time over the years.
- Volunteer – Call up your local animal shelter or humane society and offer your time to volunteer. Maybe the shelter needs some help cleaning a dog pen, feeding the sheltered animals or providing some cuddle time with a lonely animal. If time is not on your side, consider a donation in name of your pet to your favorite shelter to support the fabulous work they do day-in and day-out.